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Are you worried about your child's speech, language, FEEDING, or hearing?

Know the signs and get help early.

Children develop at their own rate. Some children talk and walk early, while others take longer. Most children learn skills within an age range; a child who takes longer to learn a skill may have a problem.

As a parent or caregiver, it is important that you know what to expect. Below are some signs of speech, language, feeding, and hearing problems; you'll see the expected age range next to each skill.

Contact the office to schedule a complimentary consultation or screening.

Language Disorders

Language is made up of the words we use to share ideas and get what we want. Language includes speaking, understanding, reading, and writing. A child with a language disorder may have trouble with one or more of these skills. Signs of language problems include:

Birth–3 months: Not smiling or playing with others

4–7 months: Not babbling 

7–12 months: Making only a few sounds. Not using gestures, like waving or pointing. 

7 months–2 years: Not understanding what others say 

12–18 months: Saying only a few words 

1½–2 years: Not putting two words together 

2 years: Saying fewer than 50 words

2–3 years: Having trouble playing and talking with other children

2½–3 years: Having problems with early reading and writing. For example, your child may not like to draw or look at books.

You can help your child learn language by:

  • Talking, reading, and playing with your child.

  • Listening and responding to what your child says.

  • Talking with your child in the language that you are most comfortable using.

  • Teaching your child to speak another language, if you speak one.

  • Talking about what you do and what your child does during the day.

  • Using a lot of different words with your child.

  • Using longer sentences, as your child gets older.

  • Having your child play with other children.

Speech Sound Disorders

Speech is how we say sounds and words. It is normal for young children to say some sounds the wrong way. Some sounds do not develop until a child is 4, 5, or 6 years old. Signs of a speech sound disorder in young children include:

1–2 years: Not saying p, b, m, h, and w the right way in words most of the time  

2–3 years: Not saying k, g, f, t, d, and n the right way in words most of the time. 

Being hard to understand, even to people who know the child well. 

You can help your child learn to say sounds by:

  • Saying sounds the right way when you talk. Your child needs good speech models.

  • Not correcting speech sounds. It is okay if your child says some sounds the wrong way.

Feeding and Swallowing Disorders

Think about how you eat…you first have to get the food or drink to your mouth. You may use a fork, spoon, straw, or your hands. You have to open your mouth and take the food in. You close your lips to keep the food in your mouth. You then chew the food or move the liquid to get ready to swallow. Children have to learn this process, and it is normal to have some trouble at first. A child with a feeding disorder will keep having trouble. Some children will eat only certain foods, or they may take a long time to eat. These children may have a feeding disorder.

Some children also have swallowing problems, or dysphagia. Swallowing happens in three stages, or phases. Your child may have a feeding or swallowing problem if he/she:

  • Arches her back or stiffens when feeding

  • Cries or fusses when feeding

  • Falls asleep when feeding

  • Has problems breast feeding

  • Has trouble breathing while eating and drinking

  • Refuses to eat or drink

  • Eats only certain textures, such as soft food or crunchy food

  • Takes a long time to eat

  • Has problems chewing

  • Coughs or gags during meals

  • Drools a lot or has liquid come out her mouth or nose

  • Gets stuffy during meals

  • Has a gurgly, hoarse, or breathy voice during or after meals

  • Spits up or throws up a lot

  • Is not gaining weight or growing

Your child may need feeding or swallowing treatment with an SLP. The SLP may work on:

  • making the muscles of his mouth stronger

  • helping her move her tongue more

  • helping him chew foods

  • getting her to try new foods and drinks

  • improving how well he can suck from a bottle or drink from a cup

  • changing food textures and liquid thickness to help him swallow safely

  • helping with sensory issues, such as the way food feels in his mouth or on his hands

  • changing the way you hold your baby or the way your child sits when eating

You are an important part of your child's treatment. You can:

  • ask questions to understand the problems your child has

  • make sure you understand what the SLP will work on

  • follow the suggestions your SLP makes for when your child is at home and at school

  • talk with your child's teachers and other family members about her feeding problems and what they can do to help


Most of us pause or repeat a sound or word when we speak. When this happens a lot, the person may stutter. Young children may stutter for a little while. This is normal and will go away over time. Signs that stuttering might not stop include:

2½–3 years 

  • Having a lot of trouble saying sounds or words

  • Repeating the first sounds of words, like "b-b-b-ball" for "ball"

  • Pausing a lot while talking

  • Stretching sounds out, like "fffffarm" for "farm"

You can help your child by:

  • Giving your child time to talk.

  • Not interrupting or stopping your child while he speaks.

  • Noticing if your child gets upset when stuttering. Pay attention to how she speaks. Children who stutter may close their eyes or move their face or body when talking.

Voice Disorders

We use our voice to make sounds. Our voice can change when we use it the wrong way. We can lose our voice when we are sick or after talking or yelling a lot. Signs that your child may have a voice disorder include:

  • Having a hoarse, scratchy, or breathy voice.

  • Sounding nasal, or like he talks through his nose.

You can help your child by:

  • Seeing a doctor if your child’s voice sounds different and it does not go away after a short time.

  • Telling your child not to shout or scream.

  • Keeping your child away from cigarette smoke.

Hearing Loss

Some children have a hearing loss at birth. Others lose their hearing as they get older. Some signs that your child may have a hearing loss include:

Birth–1 year: Not paying attention to sounds

7 months–1 year: Not responding when you call your child’s name

1–2 years: Not following simple directions

Birth–3 years: Having speech and language delays

You can help your child by:

  • Making sure your child has a newborn hearing screening.

  • Taking your child to the doctor if he has an ear infection.

  • Seeing an audiologist if you worry about your child’s hearing.